God Sits On Mercy

God’s righteousness demands that He judge unrighteousness. But, mercy has always been God’s perfect will (Jas. 2:13), because mercy is an act of love, and God is love (1Jn. 4:8, 16). The mercy seat on the Ark of the covenant represented God’s throne on earth upon which the shekinah glory—God’s manifest presence—came to rest. On the day of atonement, the blood of the sacrifice was sprinkled 7 times upon the mercy seat, foreshadowing the blood of Christ Jesus that was spilt 7 times from Gethsemane to Golgotha. The cherubim gazing at the mercy seat represented God looking upon the blood of the sacrifice and accepting the sacrifice as covering the sin of His people Israel. 
A throne is the seat of a Sovereign, and God’s throne is founded upon judgment and justice (Ps. 89:14), but mercy is the seat of God’s throne that is exalted above judgment because of the blood of Jesus. And God’s throne of mercy is where Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father always making intercession for us, reminding the Father that we, His children, are covered by the blood, and praying that our faith will not fail. And so, we can approach the Father’s throne boldly that we might receive His mercy and find His grace to help us in every time of need that we might walk in a manner worthy of His love. 
Thank You Father for sending Your Son. Thank You Lord Jesus for being the propitiation for our sins, and reconciling us to right relationship with God, Your Father and ours. And thank You Lord for sending the Holy Spirit to empowers us, bring us into oneness with You and the Father, and work within us to will and to do for Your purpose and will. Sanctify us in You as we sanctify ourselves to You. In Your name and for Your glory. Amen.

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