A New Year's Prayer for 2020

Lord, at the beginning of each New Year, many are making New Year’s resolutions. But Your word declares that we should make our yes be yes and our no be no. Therefore, during this coming year, we say “no” to hatred, unkindness, unforgiveness, bitterness, wrath, divisiveness, jealousy, and prejudice; and we say “yes” to love: to love You O Lord our God with our whole heart, mind, and soul; and to love all others as ourselves; for You have created us all both unbelieving and believing in Your own image. We say “no” to self, idolatry, rebellion and disobedience, complacency, compromise, lukewarmness, and apathy; and we say “yes” to a passion for You Lord Jesus, a hunger and thirst for Your word, an unquenchable desire to know You O God through the Spirit, an inextinguishable fervor to share Your word and testify to Your goodness, and an irrefutable pursuit of holiness and consecrated living. And we say “no” to lack, unfulfilled need, unanswered prayer, unrealized health and healing, powerlessness and an unanointed life and experience; and we say “yes” to every need provided according to the Lord’s riches in glory; every prayer answered in accordance to God’s word and His will; every disease and infirmity healed; deliverance from every bondage; and the presence of the Holy Spirit powerfully anointing us that we may prove that we are filled with all of Your fullness, Lord, and that we may then fulfill Your word when You said that we would do even greater things because You have gone to and sit beside the Father in heaven always interceding for us. And all of our “yeses” we proclaim for Your glory, Lord. Breath afresh and anew upon us Lord Jesus; refresh us, renew us, and revive us O God. In Your name and for Your glory. Amen.

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