Repentance in Luke 9:23

The phrase “deny himself”, means to forget oneself, lose sight of oneself and one’s own interests. The cross is an execution stake. Those guilty of crimes carried their crosses to the place of their execution. To “take up one’s cross” means to acknowledge that one is worthy of death for one’s sins by choosing to live according to one’s own will regardless of sanction, which sins are an expression of willful disobedience to God’s will. And the phrase “follow me” speaks to repentance as a complete 180° turn around from going our own way to following Christ in pursuit of His plans and purposes for our lives (Eph. 2:10). No one truly repents until they come to the end of themselves, and by their own mouths confess their need for the Savior Jesus Christ, and follow Him as an obedient servant follows their Lord.

Lord Jesus, we acknowledge our sin before You, for against You and You alone have we sinned and done evil in Your sight. With a broken and contrite heart, we repent of every thought, word, and deed that was sin, and we forgive all those who have sinned against us. And we take up our cross of death to our own will as a daily declaration from our heart saying, “Your will, not ours be done.” We trust You Lord to keep us in Your love. Amen.

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