The Letters to the Seven Churches of The Revelation

The Letter to the Church in Philadelphia

In this study of the letters to the seven churches of The Revelation, we discuss each church in the order* from first love position to apostasy, which reflects a historical-prophetic interpretation of the Church from Acts to the end-times, and provides instruction and exhortation for the Church in every age. The letters to the seven churches also serves as a litmus test by which every Christian can evaluate their relationship with Christ Jesus and determine where they stand with God (2Cor. 13:5).

*The order of the seven churches is based upon their geographical locations on the circular route these letters would have traveled by courier beginning with Ephesus, which is closest to Patmos, where John wrote The Revelation.
**Bible translations used: KJV, NKJV, ASV, YLT, WNT, NASB

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