Prayer for Revival

Breathe Upon Us Again Lord

Father in heaven, we approach Your throne boldly by the blood of Your Son Jesus that we might receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. And, Lord, our need in this hour is great. We acknowledge our sin before You in that we have left our first love by giving in to the ways of the world, and thus, have given the enemy of our souls a foothold among us. Our idolatry is our shame, and You are just when You judge us for our disobedience. But we plead for Your mercy, O God, and remind You that it is written that mercy triumphs over judgment, and You sent Your Son to die for us and fulfill Your perfect will to extend mercy toward us who call upon Your name. Therefore, Lord, we cling to Your mercy and we trust in Your mercy for we are convinced by faith that You, Lord Jesus, sit at the right hand of the Father always interceding for us that He might extend His mercy toward us because of His great love for us. We acknowledge the signs of our times and understand that Your return is imminent. Therefore, we stand in the gap and make up the hedge about Your elect, and pray that You preserve us, O Lord. Gather us together as Your sheep into Your sheepfold. Draw us out of all the leaven of the world and false doctrines and traditions of men that we may be holy and blameless before You in love. We thank You that You are the Author and Finisher of our faith and are faithful to complete what You began in us on that day, therefore, we trust You, Lord, to do Your part to sanctify us by the Spirit that we may be made ready, thoroughly prepared to meet You when You come to receive us to Yourself. Even so Lord come. Until then, Lord, give us a little revival in our bondage, blow upon our dying embers, Lord, by the breath of Your Spirit. We need another Pentecost, Lord. We need another visitation. In this our supplication, we remind You of Your promise, Lord, that of all those, whom the Father has given You, You would lose not one. We trust in Your word as we trust in You. In Your name and for Your glory we pray. Amen.

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