Pouring Out of the Holy Spirit

Abba Father we honor Your holy name. Lord Jesus be glorified. We thank You O God that You dwell in us by the Holy Spirit. Your fullness dwells in us, Lord Jesus. And we see by the signs of the times that You are coming soon, and indeed, Lord, we rejoice exceedingly in this. Therefore, we remind You of Your promise O God to pour out Your spirit, and ask that You perform Your word for those who call upon Your name with a whole and undivided heart. Revive us O God as You did on Pentecost. May the Spirit rise up in us, lead and guide us, empower us, and anoint us to fulfill Your word and Your will in the world and in our generation that You may be glorified in the earth, and many will come to rising of the Son of God as His saints proclaim the majesty, mercy, goodness, and faithfulness of the Lord. In Your name and for Your glory. Amen.

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