A Dream and its Interpretation


I’m walking along this dirt road. I come upon a group of young people. They are walking toward this building were there is someone speaking at a spiritual gathering. Some of these people are coming out of the building and walking away. Some have Bibles in their hands, and are saying, “It’s deception.” I agree with them and tell them to beware of deception that sounds spiritual but is false.
The dream shifts and the land I was walking on becomes convoluted, as a series of many small hills and gullies, like sand dunes. People are climbing up and down this convoluted land, and I can see in the distance a mountain with its top shrouded in clouds. People dressed in white are climbing the mountain intent on reaching the top. The people that are making their way to the mountain are dressed in regular clothes. When they reach the base of the mountain, their clothes become red. Then as they proceed up the mountain, their clothes are white. The dream shifts again, and I see this young man dressed in white. Another one dressed in a black jumpsuit shoots arrows at the legs of the one dressed in white and wounds him. 

The interpretation is clear. The dirt road represents the world in which every believer walks, and in which there is much spiritual deception that has infiltrated the Church. But God’s elect will not be deceived, because they know the truth in Scripture, which reflects the ministry of true shepherds—prophets/pastors/teachers—who are teaching them the truth of the word of God, and as a result, the Lord, our Good Shepherd, through the Spirit, is drawing His elect sheep out of the deception of worldliness in the Church to continue on their journey of faith through all the ups and downs they have to face in this world toward the high ground of intimate, unbroken fellowship with Him through the cleansing power of His blood, and ultimately into His kingdom. The devil is against us, and while we are on our journey of first love with Jesus, he will shoot his arrows of malice, deception, and worldliness at our feet in an attempt to defile our walk, therefore, we must be diligent to maintain our relationship with God in Christ through repentance whenever we fail in thought, word, or deed, and in diligence to pursue Christ through the knowledge of Him through the word, worshipful prayer, and sharing of the gospel and truth of God’s word.

We thank You, Lord Jesus, that You sit at the right hand of the Father always making intercession for us; that our faith will not fail, and of all those whom the Father has given You, You would lose not one. Help us by the Spirit to walk with You ever closer in first love; faithful and steadfast until we see You face to face. In Your name and for Your glory. Amen.

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