A Word of Encouragement

Word for December 15, 2019

This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you. (Jn. 15:12 NASB)

Serve one another, as I have served you. Esteem one another better than yourselves by being merciful to one another as I have esteemed you as worthy of My father’s mercy. Always be gracious to one another, as God has been gracious to you. Be genuinely concerned for one another, as I AM genuinely concerned for you. Be tenderhearted towards one another, as I AM tenderhearted towards you. Always praying for one another as I AM always praying for you; making intercession for you as I sit at the right hand of My Father in heaven. Fulfill My word, as I have fulfilled My Father’s word. And this is my word: Love one another as I have loved you. For there is nothing that is greater than love, for I AM love, and love is the fulfillment of My word. All those who truly love Me, obey Me, and love is the power of obedience that fulfills the purposes of God in your life, My beloved. You cannot fulfill your destiny—the purposes of God for which you were created, those things I ordained before the foundation of the world that you should fulfill for the glory of the Father—without love. I AM coming soon, and when I do, I will be looking for faith, I will be looking for humility, I will be looking for obedience, I will be looking for faithfulness, I will be looking for holiness…because I will be looking for love. Do you love Me? Then love one another. For it is by the love that you have for one another that the world will know you are mine, and that you walk with Me. And they will see Me in you and give glory to God. Those who have ears let them hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to His Church.

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