Honoring God

A son honors his father, and a servant his master. If then I am the Father,
Where is My honor?And if I am a Master,Where is My reverence?Says the 
Lord of hosts…(Mal. 1:6 NKJV)

This was an indictment God spoke through the prophet Malachi to His chosen people Israel, the sons of Jacob. In light of the signs of the times, I can hear the Lord saying the same thing to His Church, not so much as a stern rebuke, but more as a loving chastisement calling His chosen ones to return to Him.

The world is antagonistic to God (Eph. 2:1-3), and therefore, dishonors God because that is the nature of the world, which is ruled by the carnal nature and the devil, who is the father of the sons of disobedience (Rom. 8:7; Jn. 8:44-47; Rev. 12:9).

The Church consisting of all believers both Jewish and Gentile, however, are the temple, holy ground, and dwelling place of God through the Spirit, and are called to be separate from the world and its ways (1Cor. 3:16; 2Cor. 6:17). That lawlessness, which is worldliness, is increasing in our day such that we as a nation and people are no better than Sodom and Gomorrah should in no way influence the Church to compromise its sanctity. And yet, like backslidden Israel during the days of the prophets of old, the Church has in many ways compromised its calling to holiness, and in doing so, has allowed the leaven of the world to gain a foothold in the holy ground of God. 

Thus, the word of the Lord to us today is: “I will honor those who honor me, says the Lord; therefore, return to me in whole-hearted devotion. Submit yourselves unto me, for I am Your Lord, and apart from Me, you can do nothing. You must, therefore, abide in Me and I will abide in You, for you cannot resist the enemy of your souls unless you are first submitted to me in love. But if you are truly submitted to Me in love, the devil will flee from you, and I will rebuke him for your sake. My child, I sit at the right hand of My Father and yours always interceding for you that your faith will not fail, and that as I AM holy, you will be holy also; sanctified by the Spirit and consecrated to My will and purposes for you. The time that My Father has ordained is coming soon; therefore, examine yourselves, prepare your hearts, and watch and pray for your redemption draws nigh. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church.”

Thank You Lord Jesus. Thank You Abba Father. We praise You for Your grace and mercies, which are fresh and new every morning. Great is Your faithfulness O God. We repent of our backslidings and return to You with an undivided heart. Breathe upon us afresh and anew. Rekindle a fire of holy zeal for the Lord in our hearts. And anoint us as vessels meet for the Master’s use and glory. In Your name Lord Jesus. Amen.

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