Prayer for Unreached People Groups

All Nations Must Hear the Gospel

Father in heaven, we approach Your throne of grace on behalf of all those who have not heard the good news of salvation through Your Son, Jesus. We remind You Father that You are not willing that any should perish but that all may come to repentance, and that everyone would be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth of salvation and eternal life in Jesus. Lord Jesus, You paid the price for all the sins of mankind, that all those who confess You as Lord would be forgiven of their sins and enter into Your kingdom. And You promised, Lord, that of all those whom the Father has given You, You would lose not one. Therefore, You are agreed Father and Lord Jesus because You are One. In the power of agreement with You and Your word O God, we plead for all those who are still lost in their sins because they have not heard about You, Lord. You know each and every one, who has yet to hear the good news of Jesus Christ; those living in the 10/40 window nations and elsewhere; peoples because of language, geography, and false religions dwell in deserts of darkness without the light of Your love. We pray for Your mercy upon them, Your grace be revealed to them, and Your light to shine upon them. We pray that the Holy Spirit would draw them unto You O God. We pray, Lord Jesus, our Lord of the harvest, that You would send laborers unto these for whom You died. Raise up prophets and preachers and teachers of the truth of Your word, full of the power and anointing of the Spirit from among their own people from the Church in their nations as well as missionary/apostles from other nations as our own with the call of God firmly planted in their heart and a love for Your sheep. Grant that doors would be open for the preaching of the gospel of truth and the establishment of churches with these people. Provide, Lord, bibles in their own languages and other evangelistic materials that they may learn of You and be saved. You are our good shepherd, Lord Jesus, who would leave the 99 for the sake of one, and we believe that Your kingdom will not come until all have heard Your gospel, Lord. Therefore, Lord, we pray: Jesus save Your sheep from every tongue and every tribe, and every nation. And, Lord, may Your kingdom come. Amen.

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