A Prayer for America

A Prayer for America

Father in heaven, we approach Your throne of grace boldly in the name of Your Son Jesus, that we might receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. As it is written, if My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Lord, there has never been a time in our nation’s history that we needed Your mercy and grace, and Your healing more than now. And ultimately it is our fault that our nation is in the condition it is in today, for as the Church goes, so goes the nation. Forgive us, Father, for failing You and falling short of Your glory. As we see the day approaching, we plead with You, O God, that You revive Your work in the midst of the years, and in Your judgment that You remember mercy and give us a little revival in our bondage. We remind You, O God, of the promises of Your word: that You would not destroy the righteous with the wicked, and had You found ten righteous in Sodom, You would not have destroyed it; and also Lord that You promised that of all those whom the Father has given You, You would lose not one. Our trust is in You, O God, and we ask You to remember that America was founded on the principles of Your word and faith in Christ Jesus, Your Son. And though we be but a remnant in our nation, surely our numbers are such that Your hand has been stayed from rendering the judgment our nation deserves. And we know and believe that You always hear our prayers. Therefore, we stand in the gap and make up the hedge about our nation, and ask for a revival of righteousness and holiness, first in Your Church and also in our nation. Grant that the light of Your glory will shine even more brightly in the midst of the darkness that engulfs our nation. And, Lord, we also ask that America will always be a friend of Israel, and aligned with Your covenant. Heal our nation, O God, You’re the only One who can. To You be glory, honor, power, dominion, and blessing, now and forever. Amen.

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